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Learning on Purpose August 2016 starts

Learning on Purpose August 2016 starts

Nine participants, from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, have gathered at Woodsworth House in Winnipeg for the Learning on Purpose leadership development course.  For the next two weeks they will be learning and teaching and leading and reflecting together.  CCS program staff Janet Ross and David Lappano are facilitating.

Cathie and Aisha in conversation at Learning on Purpose

Cathie and Aisha in conversation at Learning on Purpose

Min-Goo and Hewitt get to know each other at Learning on Purpose

Min-Goo and Hewitt get to know each other at Learning on Purpose


This morning they got to know each other, sharing stories about themselves and their contexts, and this afternoon they are exploring their various learning styles.  A first-day lunch was hosted by the CCS staff, featuring vegetarian pulled pork.

Learning on Purpose runs from August 15th to 27th.