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CCS Friends in Dibley

CCS Friends in Dibley

A number of CCS friends were in the cast of a theatre production of “The Vicar of Dibley” earlier this month in Winnipeg.

The play was an adaptation of the 1990s BBC comedy The Vicar of Dibley, written by Richard Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer and starring Dawn French. It tells the story of small village in England, populated by various eccentrics and zanies, and what happens when they get their first woman vicar.

The play was performed as a fundraiser for the Manitoba Association of Playwrights and St. Matthew’s Maryland Community Ministry.  It was directed by CCS Information & Program Administrator Scott Douglas and starred a cast of various Anglican and United Church ministry folks, including former CCS staff member Ted Dodd, former student and CCS volunteer Maureen McCartney, participant in CCS’s 2013 Ministering by Word & Example course Di Panting, past LDM participant Patrick Woodbeck, occasional CCS resource person and friend barb janes, and others.

Ted Dodd played the acerbic David Horton, defender of the patriarchy and traditional religious values.  (Those who have studied with Ted will note the irony.)

The Vicar of Dibley was presented as part of Crescent Fort Rouge United Church’s annual ArtFest – a month of art displays, concerts, readings, and other hospitality to the arts.

Ted Dodd in the Vicar of Dibley

Ted Dodd in the Vicar of Dibley