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Circling Justice

Circling Justice

I will freely admit that I don’t know JAC.

Recently CCS student Ian McLean told me that he would be attending a JAC meeting, and that he was finding that his readings for the Social Ministry Year were going to be really useful.

So I asked Ian, What is JAC?

Ian and Charmain hand-to-hand

Ian McLean with Charmain Bailey-Splawnyk at a CCS learning circle

“JAC is the Justice Advisory Circle at BC Conference, a volunteer group that coordinates the conference’s work in the justice arena.  There is no paid accountable position in this portfolio in BC at the present time.   JAC had a ‘Think Tank’ October 1-3 in Vancouver to discuss priorities and plan its functions in these times of change.  I was honoured to be asked to attend to offer input in working toward right relations with aboriginal peoples which is the focus of my field placement.  This is a key area of interest and action by JAC.  Other areas include Homelessness/Poverty, Environmental Issues/Climate Change, and Refugees.

Justice Advisory Circle of BC Conference

Justice Advisory Circle of BC Conference

“We had wonderful worship and spiritual centering times among many discussions on ways forward for JAC.  What a brilliant, dedicated and energetic group of lay and ministry folk!  They do awesome work in the conference.  We were also blessed to have Keith Simmonds, Diaconal Minister and present chair of BC Conference with us through the sessions.

“Yet another great ‘circle’ learning opportunity for me!  It was a very ‘Diaconal’ experience.”