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CCS Hires 2 New Program Staff!

CCS Hires 2 New Program Staff!

The Centre for Christian Studies is thrilled to announce that Janet Ross and David Lappano will be joining its Program Staff team.  After an extensive search process, we believe that David and Janet bring a depth of skills and knowledge that will nicely complement the existing Program Staff (Ann Naylor and Principal Maylanne Maybee).

David Lappano and Janet Ross, CCS's new program staff

David Lappano and Janet Ross, CCS’s new program staff

Janet-Ross-sqJanet Ross is currently a sessional lecturer at Emmanuel College and McMaster University, and has been the interim director of a mentoring program to help doctoral students become effective theology teachers.  She holds a PhD in biblical studies from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and is an active Quaker.  She served for a time as Program Coordinator for Intercultural Education and Engagement at the United Church of Canada’s General Council office, and is passionate about how social locations and theological assumptions impact our identities and relationships.

David-Lappano-sqDavid Lappano recently completed his PhD in Theology at Oxford University in England, where he specialized in the works of Soren Kierkegaard (who, according to David, offers timely insights on living out a post-Christendom Christianity).  David also taught high school, worked in an alternative program with truant students, and was involved in United Church camps.  For the past number of years, especially while in England, he has worshipped in Anglican congregations.  He is interested in theology that is not esoteric but practical and engaged with public conversation.

Janet will be moving to Winnipeg from Toronto and David will be relocating from the UK, but both plan to attend the fall learning circle in October so they can meet the nineteen students who are enrolled in the Social Ministry Year, before starting work in earnest in January, 2016.

As part of the three-day interview process, all candidates were invited to work with a partner to present sample learning sessions.  As it happens, Janet and David, who had not met prior to applying for the positions, were teamed up.  In a short one-hour session on “gender justice,” the pair engaged invited guests in a discussion of everything from sexism in children’s toys to images of God to the diversity of sexual identity and the intriguing notion that “all gender is drag.”  Participants found both teachers warm, engaging, thoughtful, and creative.  …We think our students will love them.

Comments: 12

  1. Ted Dodd says:

    I am so excited to hear this news. It sounds like these two will be amazing additions to the staff at the Centre. I wish David and Janet all the best in their new positions as they join the CCS community. May they be blessed as they experience the deep joy and profound privilege of this work.

  2. Helen Reed says:

    Wonderful news. Welcome to the CCS community!

  3. Kathy Douglas says:


  4. Mary Ann Pastuck says:

    Congratulations to Janet and David. Congratulations to CCS who continue to strive to provide the best learning possibilities following in the way of our ultimate teacher(s).

  5. Anita Rowland says:

    How exciting! A warm welcome to Janet and David!

  6. Kathy Platt says:

    Glad to know the search is done – and it sounds like it was done well! Welcome to our diaconal circle and the amazing, eclectic world of CCS!

  7. Sharilynn Upsdell says:

    Wonderful news to hear these positions will be filled with new gifts of passion, depth and creativity. Janet and David welcome. We look forward to you presence in the Diaconal circle.

  8. Maureen Mc Cartney says:

    Impressive pair! Congratulations I look forward to making their aquaintance!
    Blessings ,Maureen Mc Cartney

  9. Carolynne Bouey Shank says:

    On behalf of the Central Council as Co Chair with Penny Cummine I warmly welcome you Janet and David to the Centre of Christian Studies as Program Staff. You are joining a gifted circle of staff and Principal. We thank you for applying for the two positions and accepting both the Search Committee and Executive’s recommendations to take on the awesome task of being both teacher and learner. Blessings of Joy and Peace.

  10. Barbara Lloyd says:

    Congratulations to CCS and David and Janet! After working briefly with Janet I know she will be a great fit and bring new and creative energy.

  11. annette says:

    Congratulations to Janet and David. You could not find a better learning or instructional environment.
    Congratulations to CCS. Annette Hoare. Beamsville.

  12. annette says:

    Congratulations to Janet and David. You could not find a better learning or instructional environment.
    . Annette Hoare Beamsville.

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