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2015 Field Orientations

2015 Field Orientations

September is “field orientation month” at CCS, when program staff travel to the various locales where our students will be learning/practicing their ministry.

CCS students are responsible for arranging their own field placements related to the year’s theme.  2015-2016 is the Social Ministry Year, so students are looking for placements where they can flex their advocacy muscles, engage with social justice activities, and stand in solidarity with the marginalized.

This year we’ve contracted Gwen McAllister to connect with students in their field placements, providing some continuity while CCS goes through program staff changes.  This month she’s been approving field placement proposals, helping students strategize options when a planned placement falls through, and this week she’s been traveling through Ontario helping orient students and field volunteers (learning supervisors, diaconal mentors, local support committees) to the CCS program and expectations.  Throughout the year she’ll be receiving reports from students on their practical learnings.

Gwen McAllister (left) with CCS student Catherine Underhill (second from right) at Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle

Gwen McAllister (left) with CCS student Catherine Underhill (second from right) at Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle

We really appreciate the work that Gwen is putting into helping our students ensure that their field placements will be positive (and challenging) learning experiences.

We’ve also contracted with Kimiko Karpoff to do field orientations in BC.  Kimiko is the convenor of the CCS Program Committee, and she creates enthusiasm for the Centre everywhere she goes.

Applied theology is at the heart of the CCS program, and our students are preparing themselves to put faith into action.