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Look for Us at Conference

Look for Us at Conference

epiphany explorations display-smIt’s annual meeting time for many of the United Church conferences across Canada. If you’re at a Conference meeting, keep an eye out for a CCS display.  We’ll have displays at a few Conferences, notably ones where we have grads being commissioned or an upcoming Leadership Development Module to promote.  If you see a display, come and visit.

In Conferences where we don’t have a display, you might see someone wearing a “Reflect, Act, Be Transformed” T-shirt.  These folks are walking advertisements for CCS, because our best advertising is our friends and alumni.  If you see someone with one of these shirts, say Hi.  They might have pamphlets, posters, and/or the latest gossip!

Reflect. Act. Be Transformed ... into a walking advertisement for CCS!

Reflect. Act. Be Transformed … into a walking advertisement for CCS!

shirt-backIf you’d like to be a billboard or show your love for CCS, you can buy one of these nifty shirts for $20.

(And speaking of stuff you could buy, if you don’t have one already you might want to pick up a copy of Gwyn Griffith’s history of the Centre for Christian Studies, Weaving a Changing Tapestry, for $35 plus postage and handling, or get one of Bob Haverluck’s delightful storybooks – $10 each or $25 for all three.)