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Allies and Solidarity – Videos from November’s Second Fridays

Allies and Solidarity – Videos from November’s Second Fridays

“I’m not here to make you comfortable.  I’m here to tell you honestly who I am, and how you can be respectful of other indigenous people.”

Michael Champagne and Mary Lysecki brought challenge, humour, and insight to November’s Second Fridays presentation in partnership with the Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, on “Allies and Solidarity.”  Mary exposed the “doctrine of discovery” and Michael pushed us to see people not as we’re comfortable seeing them, but as they really are.

Check out the videos.  Share them widely.

Michael ChampagneMichael Redhead Champagne, aka North End MC, describes himself as “a 27-year-old Cree guy.” Hailing from Shamattawa, Michael was born and raised in the North End of Winnipeg. By night, Michael organizes AYO! (Aboriginal Youth Opportunities)—a youth-led antigang
organization committed to breaking stereotypes and creating opportunities in the community. MC is also active in the community serving on several boards and committees, including North End Community Renewal Corporation, Mount Carmel Clinic, United Way of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Relations Council, and the 595 Prevention Teem Peer Secretariat, and organizing Meet Me At the Belltower.

Mary LyseckiMary Lysecki is the Rector at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church in Winnipeg.  Mary is currently a member of the national church’s Healing Response Committee, is co-chair of the Winnipeg chapter of Sisters in Spirit, and co-chair of the board of the North Point Douglas Women’s Centre.