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AGM 2014 recap

AGM 2014 recap

About 35 friends of the Centre for Christian Studies from all across the country got on the phone last Thursday night for our Annual General Meeting.  A group in Winnipeg, a group in Toronto, a group in Ottawa, and individuals from all over leaned in close to their receivers to share in the discussion of where CCS is at and where it’s going.

A few highlights:

  • I don’t know about the rest of you, but in Winnipeg we had a lovely potluck supper before the meeting
  • Worship led by Beth Baskin and David Robinson from Toronto
  • The approval on CCS’s new values and mission statement
  • The approval of a new version of the by-laws with simpler language. (We’re no longer referred to as “the Corporation!”)
  • A summary of CCS’s new strategic plan
  • The receipt of the various reports in the Annual Report, including the finance report, budget, and audited financial statements
  • The approval of the nominations table, with grateful thanks to the many volunteers who have served, continue to serve, and are going to serve

It is gratifying to know that people care enough about CCS to spend a couple of hours with their ears pressed to a phone (unless they’re using a speaker phone, in which case the ear-pressing thing would be awkward and unnecessary).  Thank you all for coming.

Some of the Winnipeg participants in the CCS AGM

Some of the Winnipeg participants in the CCS AGM

Comments: 1

  1. Betsy Anderson says:

    Sorry I couldn’t join you. Thanks for the update. Betsy

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