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Deadline for Kaufmann scholarship extended

Deadline for Kaufmann scholarship extended

Applications for $10,000 Scholarship are invited. The Emma Kaufman Scholarship for study outside Canada and US is awarded every 5 years

The Kaufman Scholarship was established in 1945 by Emma R. Kaufman as an expression of her very deep concern that women have the opportunity of experiencing a different culture and come to know what it meant to be a world citizen. Miss Kaufman spent much of her career in Japan, and was a founder of the Japanese Y.W.C.A. For many years she was an active Executive of the World’s Y.W.C.A. These global experiences cemented in her mind the importance for Canadians, and especially for Canadian women, to have international experience.

Initially the scholarship was only available to university graduates, but in 1970, the terms were broadened to include non-university graduates as well. At the same time, Miss Kaufman expressed her desire that a strong preference be given to women applicants, allowing however, that if there were no suitable women, it could be awarded to a man. Miss Kaufman also indicated her preference that the award be given to a Christian and to someone with a commitment to a theology of social justice.

In determining the recipient of the award, the committee will be using the following criteria:

  • the study or learning experience is for an extended period of time (minimum 6 months);
  •  for study or an experience outside of Canada or the US;
  • commencing between January 2002 and September 2003;
  • university degree or demonstrated equivalency in experience

Applicant demonstrates:

  • a commitment to a theology of social justice based on choice of work, vocation or volunteer experience;
  • that the study or experience will broaden their understanding of social justice, Christian theology or cultural awareness;
  • plans for sharing/integrating the learning when returning to Canada.

Preference will be given to:

  • a woman candidate;
  • a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant;
  • an applicant who intends to study/experience in a third world country or who has experience of a third world context;
  • an applicant for whom, without this scholarship, the study/experience would not be possible financially.

Deadline for application: February 29, 2012

Contact – The Awards Committee at CCS

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  1. […] are invited for the $10,000 Emma Kaufmann Scholarship, but time is running out. Share this:ShareEmailFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]

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