You are to make Christ and his redemptive love known, by your word and example, to those among whom you live and work and worship.
Service of Ordination of a Deacon BAS
Ministering by Word and Example is a course for people who are discerning a call to, or preparing for, the diaconate in the Anglican Church of Canada.
The Iona Report provides the framework for this program, rooting it in a theological vision of vocation, and providing session themes from the areas of recommended competencies for lifelong learning, formation, and training for the diaconate. These competencies “are intended to be a guide for the church to discern the gifts of a person called to the diaconate, and equip and form them with the knowledge and skills they will need to minister effectively.”
This program engages students in theory, theology, practice, reflection, and action in ways that are useful for ministerial formation in a variety of learning contexts. It
- Explores the foundations for diaconal service in the Anglican tradition
- Develops capacity for Biblical and theological reflection; pastoral and social responses, especially with vulnerable people; and leadership in public worship
- Provides opportunities for discernment of gifts and vocation
Ministering by Word and Example is open to casual students in our Continuing Studies program, CCS Diaconal Ministries students, and students in the Anglican Certificate in Diaconal Ministry program. Register for MWE Ministering by Word and Example.
Upcoming Dates
ONLINE – Saturdays and Monday, Oct 28 to Dec 4, 2023
Sample Schedule – for online 2021
Download a poster to distribute or send to others – click here
Online Course Format
- 12 three-hour sessions from end of October to early December
- 2 times per week
- Monday evenings and
- Saturday mornings
- The Zoom online platform will be used for sessions, allowing for small and large group interaction, special guests, and video. Posted readings, further discussion, and assignments will be made available on a Moodle platform.
- Leadership will be offered by CCS program staff along with guest presenters
- Tuition = $820 CAD
- Admission fee (one-time cost) = $55 CAD for admission to the Continuing Studies program, $95 CAD for admission to the Diaconal Ministries or Certificate programs
- Apply for the Continuing Studies program if you want to take Word & Example as a stand-alone course. (You can also register for other CCS courses as a Continuing Studies student.)
- Apply for a Certificate Program if you’d like to do the Anglican Certificate in Diaconal Ministries program for more in-depth and practical deacon formation.
The development of Ministering by Word and Example was supported by a grant from the Anglican Foundation.