Category: News

Mindful Munching – World Parliament of Religions

Lynda Trono will speak about her recent participation at the World Parliament of Religions in Australia on Friday, May 6, 11:45 AM – 1 PM at the CCS House, 60 …

New Principal Announced

The Centre for Christian Studies is pleased to announce the appointment of Maylanne Maybee as its new Principal.  “The Centre for Christian Studies is an exceptional school of experiential learning …

Annual Service of Celebration

This Sunday (April 3rd) at 3pm at St. George’s Anglican Church Crescentwood, 168 Wilton Street, Winnipeg, the Centre for Christian Studies holds its annual Service of Celebration to acknowledge the …

Leave a Message for our Grads and Companion

This upcoming weekend is a big one for the Centre for Christian Studies.  This is the weekend when we celebrate the graduation of five students who have completed their training …

Arts & Hospitality Podcast

The podcast from last month’s Mindful Munchin’ presentation by barb janes on The Arts and Hospitality is now available.  Barb spent her sabbatical researching various ways that churches have formed …

Marc Desrosiers – Development and Community Relations

The Centre for Christian Studies is pleased to announce that Marc Desrosiers will be joining our staff on March 15 as the Development and Community Relations Coordinator.  Marc has many …

Marion Pope is Alive!

OK, this is not news to anybody, least of all to Marion herself, but an error in an early draft of the CCS annual report had her included among the …

Banquet tickets

Final year students at CCS are eagerly awaiting the weekend of April 2-3.  We anticipate a great celebration that weekend to give thanks for the completion of the program by …

United Church Ministry Statement

Our diaconal colleague Denise Davis-Taylor who sits on the Theology Inter Church Interfaith Committee of General Council of the UCC asks that the updated Statement of Ministry report be sent to …

Staff Changes

Last month we said goodbye to CCS Community Resource Coordinator Glenda Knoll.  As you may know, Glenda has moved on from CCS to work with the Mosaic Newcomer Resource Centre.  …

Annual Report

The Annual Meeting is next Wednesday.  If you’re interested in the Centre for Christian Studies, you might want to think about attending.  It starts at 6:00 pm (Manitoba time), with …

Principal Search

CCS is looking for a Principal.  Know anybody with deep commitments to justice, to the empowering of others through transformative learning, and to a collaborative, collegial and non-hierarchical work-style?  Check …

Winter Tapestry

The latest edition of Tapestry, CCS’s newsletter, is out.

Tap on the Shoulder

Do you know someone you could approach about preparation for ministry at the Centre for Christian Studies?  Why not give them a tap on the shoulder?