Category: News

DUCC Dynasty

Three of the CCS staff attended the national DUCC gathering last week.

Meeting Face to Face

The CCS Central Council met with the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre as part of their face-to-face meeting time this month.

Irene Rainey – Companion

On April 19, 2015 Irene Rainey was named a Companion of the Centre by the Centre for Christian Studies.

Ted Reflects on Seventeen Years

Ted Dodd discusses what he has loved about his time at the Centre for Christian Studies.

A Thank You Note to Ted

Scott Douglas was asked to say a few words about Ted Dodd at last weekend’s Centre for Christian Studies graduation banquet. There is perhaps a reason he doesn’t often get asked to do this sort of thing.

PCY 2015 Spring Learning Circle Wraps Up

Today marks the end of the Pastoral Care Year students’ spring learning circle.

On Holy Ground – ASC Reflection

At CCS’s Annual Service of Celebration on April 19th the 2015 graduates of the Centre reflected on the theme of “holy ground”.

Graduation 2015

Two students graduated from the Centre for Christian Studies program last weekend with a Diploma in Diaconal Ministries.

We Are All Treaty People – public learning opportunity

On April 20th & 21st you are invited to join CCSstudents at Thunderbird House in Winnipeg (715 Main) for “We Are All Treaty People” with Bishop Mark Macdonald and Steve Heinrichs.

2015 Grads and Companion – Wish Them Well

This weekend 2 students will graduate from CCS and one remarkable woman will receive the Companion of the Centre Award. Show them some love!

Pastoral Care Spring Learning Circle Starts

Nineteen students in the Pastoral Care Year gathered today for their three-week spring learning circle.

Into the Wyld

Last week Scott Douglas and Gwen McAllister went to the Sorrento Centre in BC to work on a joint CCS-Sorrento project.

CCS receives $7.9M from Britain

CCS will be receiving nearly eight million dollars in funding from England and Scotland for a project on “integration, transformation, and empowerment.”

Happy Pi Day 2015

It’s Pi Day (March 14th = 3/14 = 3.14 = π).  So once again, we celebrate the day with a couple of highly informative pie charts to give you insight into the …

New Books in the CCS Library – March 2015

Check out what’s available from the basement of Woodsworth House.