Category: Events

A suspiciously Guy Fawkes-ish Starbucks cup

Theology of Simplicity – Second Fridays

Just in time for Christmas comes this reflection from Lynda Trono as part of CCS’s monthly Second Fridays series.  Lynda and Jennifer deGroot presented on Friday,  December 14th, 2012 at …

Images of Diakonia 2013

A Lenten reflection on Christian ministry at Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. jointly offered by SSJD and the Centre for Christian Studies. Friday, March 15 to Saturday, March 16, …

Local Collaborative Ministries – Diocese of Rupert’s Land

Ted writes: In the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, two parishes have been experimenting with Local Collaborative Ministries, a version of “Total Ministry.” Pembina Hills parish is a rural setting covering …

Theology of Creation – videos from November’s Second Friday

November 9th was the second friday of the month, which meant the return of CCS’s Second Fridays.  Joining us for lunch hour reflections were Shaun Loney of BUILD, Paul Gehrs …

Theology of Simplicity / Cookies & Carols

Noon December 14 Theology of Simplicity Jennifer DeGroot and Lynda Trono followed by… Cookies & Carols Annual December Open House at the Centre for Christian Studies Friday, December 14 1:30-3:00 …

Theology of Justice and Liberation – October’s “Second Friday” videos online

The videos from last month’s Second Friday presentation on the theology of justice and liberation, featuring Maylanne Maybee, Barbara Lloyd, and Yoon Ok Shin, are now online.  And if you’re …

Theology of Creation – 2nd Friday at CCS

Coming up – Theology of Creation Friday, November 9th at noon at CCS (Bring your lunch) Featuring: Fjola Hart Wasekeesikaw, Paul Gehrs and Shaun Loney

Apology to Deaconesses Conversation

The Executive of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference (UCC) will be having a conversation about the 2006 Apology to Deaconesses on Wednesday, November 7, 6:45-8:45 p.m. at Churchill Park United Church, 525 …

Oh What A Weekend It Was – 120th Anniversary Recap

Principal Maylanne Maybee writes: Has CCS ever done such a thing before? Has there ever been anything like it? About 100 people – students and staff, past and present, graduates, …

Anniversary Weekend wrapping up

Yesterday included reflections from past and present CCS principals, a presentation by students, workshops on the action-reflection spiral and ecumenical perspectives on the diaconate, field trips, and a wonderful banquet …

Anniversary Weekend Underway

CCS’s 120th anniversary weekend kicked off last night with an inspiring dialogue between Raheel Raza and Stan McKay on the subject of Diversity, Transformation, and Hope.  (Watch for clips from …

120th Anniversary Update – 1 week to go!

We’re now at 71 registrations plus 13 Social Ministry students … plus staff and over 130 attending the evening banquet! If you haven’t already, register NOW online  (A reminder: Early …

Accompaniment and Solidarity Videos

The videos from September’s “Second Fridays at CCS” presentations are now available, so even if you weren’t in the room at lunch-time on the second Friday of the month, you …

Preparing a Banquet

According to Liz, registrations for the CCS anniversary Saturday banquet are at 118! The evening promises to be a celebration of community, Friends, and achievements. The venue will be Young …

Diversity, Transformation, & Hope – a public lecture with Stan McKay and Raheel Raza

Here in Canada and all across the world, people struggle to live together in peace.  And yet we are overwhelmed by unsettling examples of intolerance, bigotry, and hatred.  Where is …