CCS Fridays are Back! 2022-2023
Join in for an hour to learn something new in these one hour zoom workshops. They are free but you have to register to get the zoom link.
Getting Rid of “Us and Them” in the Church—October 28
Alcris Limongi
In this session we will briefly name the processes of exclusion, marginalization, and structural inequality that are often unexamined in the church — what we call “othering” — and seek actions that move towards a church of belonging where there is mutual power, access, and opportunity for all people who share the space. Register for a zoom link to this CCS Fridays session.
Christmas Rapture–November 18
Dan Epp-Tiessen
According to a podcast on Spotify called “The Christmas Rapture”, on Christmas Eve nearly seventy years ago, Dorothy Martin and the Seekers stood outside singing carols while waiting for a spacecraft that would shepherd them away from Earth — and the impending apocalypse. Maybe they were inspired by the gospel reading in the lectionary for the first Sunday in Advent, where some are whisked away and others are left. In this session of CCS Fridays, we explore what rapture has to do with Christmas. It will be just in time for you to prepare your sermon for November 27.
Lambeth Learnings—December 2
Geoff Woodcroft
What were the important Lambeth Learnings about relating and making decisions in a world wide communion? In this session we will hear what a Lambeth participant learned and discuss how these insights could inform inter-church and ecumenical relations.
Topics for CCS Fridays in 2023 will be announced as we get closer to the new year. Check the CCS website for registration links and details.
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