Congratulate our 2019 Grads and Companion
On the weekend of March 24 and 25 we will be celebrating the graduation of four students from our Diploma in Diaconal Ministries program, as well as honouring the recipient of the 2019 Companion of the Centre Award, Nancy Ford. You are invited to join us for the CCS banquet on Saturday night (tickets are $45) or for the Annual Service of Celebration on Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm at St. Mary’s Road United in Winnipeg (free and open to everyone!).
If you can’t make it but would like to wish any of our grads or Companion well, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Leave a comment on this page and we will post them for people to read at the banquet.
This year’s graduates are:
- Tammy Bleue from Oakbank, Manitoba
- Keith Hall from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Marion Martin from Milk River, Alberta
- Lynn McGrath from Port Moody, British Columbia
The 2019 Companion of the Centre is Nancy Ford, deacon to the city of Victoria.
Tammy Bleue Keith Hall Marion Martin Lynn McGrath Nancy Ford – 2019 Companion of the Centre
Comments: 23
Looking forward to celebrating with you all in a few days. Hey Marion you made it!!!
A heartfelt congratulations from all staff and faculty here at St Stephen’s College to this year’s graduates and Companion! We are proud to partner with the Centre of Christian Studies, and share in celebrating your accomplishments. Have a great gathering and blessings on the path ahead.
I am SO proud of you! For your persistence, your commitment, your faith. In fact, I’m SO proud I’m flying from Montreal to Winnipeg to see you graduate and to celebrate the Companion award of my friend and colleague, Nancy Ford. See you soon! Congratulations!!
Oh my gosh..so excited your coming!
That’s fabulous news! It’ll be wonderful to celebrate with you Maylanne!
So happy and thrilled you will be there Maylanne
Congratulations to all of you! What a wonderful gift you are to the church.
You have come through it alright and ready and there are those who are there who, I hope, will offer
each one of you a hug from me …..for real. I cannot be there, being in Ontario.
I wondered what it would be like after 10 years in ministry, now I know.
Next year will my 50th, so am wondering now what that will be like. Actually it boggles the mind.
God is good. God is alive. God is with you always.
Peace be with you as you set out to serve in the Diakonia.
Love is the only way to change anyone, or anything.
God bless you in each Call you take on.
As card secretary for DUCC Diakonia of the United Church of Canada, I extend congratulations to the new grads of CCS. You join a relatively small group of ministers within the United Church but are we ever potent and needed ! Your talents and skills will be such a gift for our church in this time and place. Blessings on your continuing journey in ministry.
Keith, this long and winding road is culminating in this moment of celebration. I so wish I could be there! It has been incredible watching your growth over these years. Hugs and more hugs 💕
Congratulations to all (especially Keith). You have all accomplished a significant milestone in your life. I am looking forward to celebrating with you all.
Pat Stuart
The world needs you! Congratulations one and all. Will be with you in Spirit, Light and Love.
Sally Meyer (2004)
Tammy, Keith, Marion, Lynn
CONGRATULATIONS ! The paths of training at CCS is varied, deep and wide. And challenges each to fullness of life. Celebrate fully. And God’s blessing to you as your time and focus shifts into your ministry.
What an honour for you and CCS. To acknowledge the light and life you offer.
May Light shone out from you return in hues that sustain you.
Congratulations on completing your diploma, Lynn! We hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating your accomplishment. On Sunday, we’ll remember you in prayer and light a “candle of joy”. Blessings to you and your fellow graduates. ~Council & Congregation, Agassiz United Church
Congratulations to everyone on such wonderful achievements!
And a special congratulations to my dear friend Keith Hall who will be graduating in a few days!
Keith, it has been an amazing gift to walk with you through your training and formation in diaconal ministry! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and so pleased at all the growth that has taken place for you over these formative years! You have been such an inspiration to me…and you continue to be! So thank you for inviting me to be part of your journey! Now go and enjoy the blessings of the promised land!!! You’ve earned it!
I am so happy for you! It’s been a blessing to witness such dedication and devotion to true calling. You are a wonderful example to the youth you minister and to us all! Thank you for inviting me along as a small part of this remarkable journey you’ve travelled. Cogratulations Keith, to you and your program mates😌.
Congratulations Keith, you are a wonderful minister to all of us and a lovely person. I am so happy to know you.
Congratulations Keith! You have been a source of great inspiration and support for many of us through the years. I am so thrilled that you are graduating soon. Hugs to you my friend.
I am so excited for the four of you and so proud of you too. I know the commitment it takes to get through all you have to do to reach this point in your ministry careers. Can you remember the first time you went to CCS? Anxious, uncertain, worried, ………..”Am I supposed to be here?” “What am I doing here?” And look at you now!
I so enjoyed being a student with you, studying along side you, learning from you and getting to know you all. The Church has four very talented, enthusiastic and dedicated individuals who will be working hard to move the kin-dom of God’s love forward as you fulfill your uniquely Diaconal Call.
Hugs and Blessings, Ian
Congratulations, Lynn!! Your commitment to deepening your faith and leading in worship and praise to our God is inspiring. Thank you for being our friend, for worshiping with us for so many years and for your faithfulness. You have worked to hard to complete your studies. We are so proud of you.
Congratulations Lynn!! We love that you followed your calling and dream. It’s been wonderful to see you journey in your faith and to be a small part of that in our friendship fellowship and conversations. Hugs and all the best for what comes next!
Belated, however no less enthusiastic best wishes to all of you, for the next steps on the journey…
To the students, blessings on new beginnings, may you bring hope and vision to all you do.
To Marion- an Alberta DUCC, special cheers to you.
To Tammy- who’d have thought there would ever be another Tammy graduating from CCS!
To the newest companion, Nancy, you join an esteemed group of wise ones! Blessings on the honour and gift of being a companion.
Dear Lynn,
On behalf of the Board and all your friends at St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Moody, I congratulate you on your accomplishment. We at St. Andrew’s are all very proud of you and wish you every success as you begin your new career.”
With our very best wishes,
Gordon Fulton
Board Co-Chair
St. Andrew’s United Church
It is a joy to me to see more people graduating and embarking on the work of Diaconal Ministry. Warmest congratulations and best wishes to you all!
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