We Are All Treaty People – public learning opportunity
On April 20th & 21st you are invited to join the students in the CCS Pastoral Care Year at Thunderbird House in Winnipeg (715 Main) for two discussions on right relations between indigenous people and settlers.
On April 20th at 3:30pm our guest will be the Right Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada. He will offer wisdom and challenge from an Indigenous perspective.
On April 21st at 9:00am our guest will be Steve Heinrichs, Director of Indigenous Relations for the Mennonite Church of Canada, and editor of Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry. He will provide a non-indigenous perspective on the work of forming right relations.
These two events are part of a three-day theme for the Pastoral Care Year students that will also include time at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights and a day in conversation with ministry students at the Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre.
For more information, contact info@ccsonline.ca
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