Into the Wyld
Last week CCS Program Administrator Scott Douglas and CCS grad Gwen McAllister went to the Sorrento Retreat Centre in British Columbia to work on a joint CCS-Sorrento project. In the fall of 2015 CCS will be leading a week-long event for young adults to help kick off Sorrento’s seven-month-long Winter Youth Leadership Development program (WYLD). The WYLD program will be an opportunity for young people aged 19-28 to live in intentional community while they discern God’s call for their lives.
CCS will be offering two week-long events, called “Fall Forward” and “Spring Back”, at the beginning and one at the end of the winter-long program to provide WYLD participants with some tools for learning in community, reflection, and integration. At the Sorrento meeting last week, Scott and Gwen spent three days in conversation with Dan Hines (WYLD curriculum planner), Melissa Green (Sorrento Associate Director), and Natalie Maxson (Naramata Centre), discussing the hopes, purpose, and challenges of the WYLD project and how CCS’s offering might best support it. Gwen has been contracted to provide leadership for the Fall Forward/Spring Back events, while Scott has the task of adapting existing CCS leadership development resources for the young adult event. Coming out of last week’s meeting, Gwen and Scott had a pretty good sense of what the fall event would look like and were excited by the possibilities.
Once the meeting was done, Dan, Natalie, Gwen, and Scott went up to nearby Margaret Falls. Walking into the canyon carved out by rushing water, one thought of the young people who would be coming to this area this fall, wondering what lies in the path before them, open to being surprised by wonder.
The WYLD program is open to young people across Canada. For more information about the WYLD program, visit the Sorrento website.
Comments: 2
Wonderful! I’ll see what else I can find out about this fascinating initiative. In the mean time I would be interested in learning more about this initiative, organizers, their philosophy, follow-up, practicalities, financing, CCS’s involvement, transposability, etc.
It all sounds very exciting!
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