Videos from March’s Second Friday – Multiculturalism

Videos from March’s Second Friday – Multiculturalism

CCS was pleased to have Diane Dwarka and Evelyn Broadfoot as guests for its monthly noon-hour presentation and discussion on theological themes on March 8, 2013 at 12 noon.
March’s topic – Theology of Diversity, Multiculturalism

Note: Unfortunately, Adrian Jacobs, who was scheduled to be one of our speakers, had been called away to a funeral for a friend and was not be able to be with us. Evelyn Broadfoot kindly agreed to replace Adrian and join Diane Dwarka sharing her thoughts about the topic.

Evelyn BroadfootEvelyn Broadfoot has served in congregational ministry in White Bear, Saskatchewan, in outreach ministries in Thompson and Winnipeg, in personnel work with the All Native Circle Conference of the United Church, and as an intentional interim minister in Norway House. Presently, she is trying to retire but finds her days still full and volunteers in the hospital with crisis and support visiting.

diane dwarkaDiane Dwarka is a retired librarian and passionate community volunteer. She has held positions as past President of the Council of Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba, Community Legal Education Association, Chair of Red River College Alumni, and the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Winnipeg and others. An active lay member of the United Church of Canada, Diane has served all four courts of the church. Diane has received many awards in recognition for her work the YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Award , the Red River Distinguished Alumni Award, the Premier’s Award for Volunteerism and the B’nai Brith Human Rights Award.