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Tag: diaconate

Word of Hope, Example of Ingenuity

We are about two thirds of the way through Ministering by Word and Example and so far everyone is engaged, eager, and enthusiastic about learning together.

Circles of power, pain and singing

At the Centre for Christian Studies, we try to put life at the centre of theology. This does not mean that God is not central, only that we recognize that …

My Visit to the Methodist Diaconal Order of the UK

While in London I was able to visit with Karen McBride, Warden of the Methodist Diaconal Order of the UK, and Ruth Richey, Vice Warden. Karen invited me to visit …

1979 Core group

“A better fit”: finding diaconal ministry

In 1977, Deb Hinksman was a young theology student and candidate for ordination when she met CCS principal Marion Niven at a conference. When Marion asked Deb what she planned …

What happened in Victoria changes lives! Learning on Purpose – 2 weeks in pictures

This year, the Centre for Christian Studies held its 2-week signature program, Learning on Purpose, in beautiful Victoria, BC. Christ Church Cathedral provided a dramatic stained glass backdrop and awesome …

The top 5 things that all Companions share – who do you nominate?

Every year, the Centre for Christian Studies names one person, or occasionally two people, as Companion of the Centre.  Companions of the Centre epitomize diakonia and provide inspiration to all …

Faith and generosity – Why I give to CCS

Don Evans is a student and the executive director of Our Place in Victoria. Here he talks about why he donates to CCS.

Experience this for yourself! – a Deacon’s reflection

Sharon Dunlop is a Deacon at St. James’ Anglican Church in Kingston. She attended Learning on Purpose in 2016. My ministry area is in corrections, restorative justice and victims – an …