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UCC Admission Orientation Circle

The United Church recognizes that diaconal or ordained people who are admitted from other recognized global Christian traditions make a valuable contribution to the United Church’s wide variety of ministries and missions.

The UCC Admission Orientation circle is an opportunity for ministers from other denominations who are seeking admission or have been recently admitted to ministry in the United Church of Canada to form community and build relationships. It will offer a space to discuss important cultural information that may help when navigating the admissions process and adapting to the United Church of Canada.

We work with the assumption that those in the United Church of Canada’s admission process bring deep theology and practical ministry skills. The purpose of this circle is to support these ministers as they figure out how to apply their gifts to the United Church of Canada context. What are the cultural and intercultural dynamics in the United Church and in Canada? How does the Canadian context, including the history and legacy of the Residential School system and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, impact UCC ministry? How does the United Church differ from other denominations? How can we build networks of support as we transition into a new denomination?

Unlike other CCS learning circles, this orientation program does not require course readings to be completed beforehand, and does not have assignments that need to be completed afterwards.  Full participation in the 10 sessions is expected, with occasional reflection or preparation between sessions.

Upcoming Dates

  • ONLINE– August 12-23, 2024, Mondays to Fridays, 4 hrs/day

The circle will include 10 four-hour sessions. Once we know who the registrants are, we will determine what time of day with be best suited to their time zones.

Language: This course will be taught in English.


  • Circle cost = $900 CAD
  • Admission fee (one-time cost) = $55 CAD for admission to the Continuing Studies program
  • Limited bursaries are available based on need

Application Process


Are you in the United Church of Canada’s admission process? Would you like to participate in the 2024 UCC Admission Orientation Circle? Step one is to apply to become a Continuing Studies student…

  • Continuing Studies admissions form (online)
  • Note: Where the application form requests the name of a reference person, you can simply indicate that you are in the United Church of Canada’s admission process
  • $55.00 CAD non-refundable application fee (Note: This is the application fee. You will be invoiced for the tuition once your application has been accepted.)  You can send your application fee by mail or email to arrange payment by credit card or e-transfer.
  • a resume (including educational history)


Register for UCC Admissions Orientation Circle.  (Find the Orientation Circle on the online Course Registration form.) If you have questions, email