Category: News

Images from Learning on Purpose 2024

Leaders learning in community in Ste Anne-de-Bellevue.

Preparing for UCC Admissions Orientation Circle 2024

This August we will once again be hosting a circle for ministers coming into the UCC from other denominations.

More Cake!

More celebration for Lori Stewart as she retires.

CCS’s new Interim Principal – Marcie Gibson

Marcie Gibson will be Interim Principal of the Centre

Images from Relationships 2024

Circle participants explored a variety of relationship and spiritual care issues.

2024-2025 Learning Circles

Here’s what coming up in 24-25!

2024 Donor Survey Results

You told us why you support CCS.

Walking for Justice

CCS grad Susan Toller offered the land acknowledgement at Parliament Hill.

Caring of the Soul

Principal Alan Lai led a spiritual retreat for church people from Hong Kong.

Farewell for Alan

Staff, volunteers, and friends wished Alan well as he returns to congregational ministry.

Images from Oppression and Resistance 2024

Students explore anti-racism, gender justice, decolonization, economic justice, and peacemaking.

Images from Ages and Stages 2024

Students explored Christian education, faith formation, and ministry with various ages.

Alan is Leaving CCS

Principal Alan Lai is returning to congregational ministry.

Celebration Weekend 2024

Graduation, Companion, Central Council, learning circles – It was a weekend of everything!