February CCS Friday – God and Money

February CCS Friday – God and Money

Join us on Friday, Feb 28 for an online discussion of Christian stewardship from a justice-oriented perspective. How can churches do fundraising, budgeting, investing, property management, etc. in ways that are anti-racist, decolonial, ecologically responsible and ethically faithful, and don’t just parrot neoliberal capitalism?

Our special guest will be Sheryl Johnson, author of Serving Money, Serving God: Aligning Radical Justice, Christian Practice, and Church Life. Sheryl is a professor of ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California and a United Church of Canada/United Church of Christ minister.

CCS Fridays are free. Click HERE to register for a zoom link.

CCS Fridays: Online conversations to help us all to respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts. These workshops are open to anyone who might be interested. Each session will be on a Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 CT and in the form of a Zoom workshop.  There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups.

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