Three Black Women Breaking Barriers in Ministry
This month’s Broadview magazine features an interview/conversation between recent CCS grad Charmain Bailey, current CCS student Lisa Byer-de Wever, and friend of CCS Marlene Britton.
Marlene is the first, and until last month only, Black diaconal minister in the United Church of Canada, having transferred from the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas. In June, Charmain became the first Black woman commissioned to diaconal ministry in the United Church. When Lisa completes her studies and is commissioned, she will be the first Black woman born in Canada to be commissioned. These are significant historical firsts, but also, why has it taken so long?
Marlene, Chamain, and Lisa discuss their sense of call and the challenges of being Black, women, and diaconal in the United Church. It’s a terrific read.
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