Gather and celebrate: DUCCs across the country
Regional meetings traditionally include celebrations of ministry. Five CCS graduates were commissioned this year in the United Church of Canada. Congratulations to Lynn McGrath, Marion Martin, Keith Hall, Tammy Bleue, and Terrie Chedore.
Lynn McGrath at Pacific Mountain Region. Marion Martin (left) at Chinook Winds Region. With Helen Reed. Keith Hall at Living Sky Region Tammy Bleue (front left in fusia) at Prairie to Pine Region. Terrie Chedore (front left) at Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region.
DUCCs flocked together at Regional meetings.
Pacific Mountain Region Chinook Winds Living Sky Prairie to Pine Canadian Shield Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways, Antler River Watershed Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways, Antler River Watershed Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways, Antler River Watershed Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways, Antler River Watershed
And a gathering of intrepid students in a truly cross country class.

St. Stephens College.
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