Welcome to the New Principal
The Centre for Christian Studies invites you to attend a Covenanting Service and Reception for Michelle Owens as she begins her role as the new Principal at The Centre for Christian Studies
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Westminster United Church
745 Westminster Ave at Maryland Street, Winnipeg
Please enter by the Westminster Avenue door. Lift available.
Refreshments will be served
Service of Installation at 8:00 pm.
RSVP to Cheryl Thiessen by Sept 5
204-783-4490 or office@ccsonline.ca
If you are not able to attend, you are invited to offer your welcome and greetings by phone, e-mail, or mail.
Comments: 5
Michelle’ s father and I are extremely proud of our talented and compassionate daughter. We applaud her courage and positivity. Yes the winds of change caress each of us and promise growth and joy for us and our community. We wish the Center and Michelle continued success and mutual growth.
Love Peter and Carol Owens
Thank you so much Michelle for following this call to ministry and leadership at CCS, and letting the winds blow you west. I know you are familiar with choosing risky paths and edgy roads since we shared congregational life together at Trinity-St. Paul’s. Many blessings as you set out once again and I hope to congratulate you in person the next time I am visiting Winnipeg. Best, Betsy Anderson
Welcome, MIchelle! And enjoy this wonderful voyage you are about to embark on. It gives me confidence and delight to know you will be helping CCS navigate through smooth and choppy waters, through sun and wind and waves. You have a great crew to work with, amazing passengers, and an ever-beckoning destination. May God be with you! Maylanne.
Michelle and the CCS community,
May God’s wisdom and compassion uphold you through this exciting adventure. We will all be blessed as we learn along with you how to prepare for and live out our diaconal calling.
Courage, a grateful heart and joy,
Marion Pope.
Welcome to Winnipeg Michelle… had hoped to join in tonite’s celebration but have to send regrets at last minute. All the best !
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