One Order of Ministry?
Members of The United Church of Canada are being asked to study and reflect on the nature and structure of ordered ministry as part of a process that will determine the future of both diaconal and ordained ministries and of Designated Lay Ministry. (You might know this discussion as “Remit #6: One Order of Ministry”.)
If the majority of both Presbyteries and Pastoral Charges are in favour of the proposed change, and if it is enacted by the next General Council, there will be one new order of ministry encompassing the present categories of recognized designated lay ministers, diaconal ministers, and ordained ministers, with ordination to the ministry of word, sacrament, education, service and pastoral care as the single rite of entry, and with provision for the continued identity of the diakonia within the ordained ministry. All current diaconal ministers would be incorporated (grandparented) into ordained ministry.
Diakonia of The United Church of Canada (DUCC) has initiated a process for diaconal ministers in the United Church to reflect on diaconal identity and to work toward consensus on their understanding of diaconal ministry. This process is intended to contribute to a resource for presbyteries and pastoral charges as they prepare to vote.
CCS Program Staff member Ann Naylor, along with CCS Companion of the Centre Eric Tusz-King, were part of designing the reflection process.
This process will be of particular interest to members of the United Church. All diaconal ministers and candidates for diaconal ministry are encouraged to participate.
A link to these resources is included here.
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