LDM Gets a New Name: Learning on Purpose
The Leadership Development Module has long been one of CCS’s flagship programs. This year, as we start promoting our courses this summer in Toronto (June 13-25) and in Winnipeg (August 15-27) we’ve decided to give our leadership development module a new name: “Learning on Purpose”. It’s about intentional learning; it’s about finding your calling; it’s about finding the place where your joy and the world’s hunger meet.
Learning on Purpose also has a subtitle. “The Force Awakens” Oh, no, that one’s taken. “Changing Leadership for a Changing World.” It’s about exploring new models of leadership; it’s about imagining the church and the world we want to see; it’s about creating change and being agents of transformation.
Learning on Purpose is great for people considering ministry, especially diaconal ministry. But it’s also great for lay people who want to develop their skills, and for people already in leadership who want to deepen them.
Please spread the word: Learning on Purpose is the leadership development module, and it will change your life (in a good way)!
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