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AGM = All Gather for a Meal?

AGM = All Gather for a Meal?

mealMarch 7th is the Centre for Christian Studies’ Annual General Meeting.  As we did last year, we’re encouraging friends of CCS from across the country to organize regional gatherings to phone in and take part in the meeting via conference call.  Why not make a party of it?  Plans are underway for a potluck supper in Winnipeg prior to meeting.  Maybe you want to organize an evening snack gathering in the Maritimes, or high tea in Victoria.

Of course, you can phone in as an individual too.  Just email the CCS office to get the phone number and conference call code.  The meeting starts at 6:00 Winnipeg time.

Comments: 1

  1. CCS says:

    Dave Robinson at the Anglican Diocese of Toronto is inviting any folks in Toronto who want to gather to participate in the CCS Annual General Meeting on March 7th to meet 6:30 pm (for 7pm start) at
    the Anglican Diocese of Toronto
    135 Adelaide Street East, Toronto
    East door (off parking lot, please ring bell)
    Please let us know if you are coming – contact Elizabeth McCaffrey
    416 363-6021 / 1-800-668-8932 x225
    Feel free to bring snacks.

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