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Accompaniment and Solidarity Videos

Accompaniment and Solidarity Videos

The videos from September’s “Second Fridays at CCS” presentations are now available, so even if you weren’t in the room at lunch-time on the second Friday of the month, you can still be part of the experience.

Dianne Baker, who served with the Ecumencial Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, and Louise Simbandumwe, social justice and human rights activist and community economic development worker, each reflected on the theme of Accompaniment and Solidarity.

What you get in the videos is their brief introductions/reflections.  These were followed by a time of conversation and discussion.  If you really want to be part of the conversation, the next Second Friday will be held in Winnipeg on Friday, Oct 12 at Young United Church (as part of CCS’s 120th anniversary weekend).  The theme will be “Theology of Justice and Liberation”, and will feature Barbara Lloyd, Maylanne Maybee, and Yoon Ok Shin.

Louise Simbanduwe

Dianne Baker

Volunteer Opportunity

Scott says:  If you watch the Second Fridays videos with closed captions (CC), you’ll notice that Dianne’s starts off, “The photos I’m going to show you are from my most recent overseas experience of accompaniment.”  Louise’s starts off, “Speak with you today and says technician vicki’s and background.”  Huh??  That’s because when I uploaded Dianne’s I included a transcript – basically I listened to the video and typed out everything Dianne said.  I haven’t done one for Louise’s video yet, so her close captions are computer generated.  Voice recognition programs are, how shall we say, less than a hundred percent accurate.

While mis-translations can be amusing, we think our Second Friday guest speakers have important things to say that should be accessible to people who need close captioning.  So if you’ve been looking for a way to volunteer with CCS without leaving the comfort of your own home, here’s your chance.  I’m looking for someone who will do transcriptions of our Second Fridays videos as they come out each month.  All you have to do is listen to a video and type out, word by word, what the people in the video are saying, and then send it to me to attach to the video, so that “between empty nest and scientists cherry adult education” becomes “the training that we do is based on participatory adult education.”  It’s a bit time-consuming, but you can think of it as a meditative practice of really focusing on the words of our inspiring speakers.  Email me at if you’re interested.