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Where Do They Go From Here?

Where Do They Go From Here?

The Centre for Christian Studies is about preparing women and men for ministry.  You may be curious where students end up after they graduate.  In the last decade over seventy CCS grads have entered into a variety of forms of diaconal ministry.

  • Many serve in rural congregations (34).
  • A number minister in urban teams (16).
  • Some have positions in community outreach ministry (3).
  • A few work with First Nations communities (3).
  • Two or three have primary responsibility in youth ministry.
  • Two or three are working as Conference staff.
  • One is pursuing further academic studies.

Hear about the work of some our grads from the class of 2008 have been up to!

Kathy Douglas, Youth Minister
Huron-Perth Presbytery, Blyth, ON

I have been in the full time position of Presbytery Youth Minister for over 2 years now.  I could not have envisioned a more perfect diaconal fit for me.  My work seems generally to divide into three categories.  I work directly with youth in programming and spiritual development.  I participate as a member and resource for several community agencies; this work often helps to foster bridges between church and local community.  Finally, I support the 60 plus congregations in the presbytery, through worship services, confirmation classes, youth leaders support events, local camp work and resource consultations.
On a regular basis, I am creating, preparing, facilitating and evaluating by involving and listening to both adults and youth who help me to plan my work.  Thanks, to CCS, for the fantastic ‘teaching /sharing/ encouraging’ that prepared me for this work.

Keith Simmonds, Team Minister
Communities in Faith, Trail, BC

In 2009, I was placed in a team ministry with a four point pastoral charge in the Kootenays of British Columbia.  Team ministry in a four point pastoral charge, in changing times demands all of the requirements of ‘traditional ministry’ (worship design and leadership; sacramental ministry and pastoral care), and a grounding in: social systems; interpersonal dynamics; learning styles; group facilitation; workshop design; community organizing and making space for other voices to be heard.  Fortunately, I went to CCS where I was grounded in the basics of all of the above, and confirmed in the blessings of my own experience.

Marilyn Shaw, Community Minister
Kitchener, Ontario

I minister in a Lutheran and United church partnership outreach ministry in downtown Kitchener. I was settled in the position I held prior to graduating from CCS.
My CCS experience enables me to deepen how I minister with people through the experiential learning style which I use especially in my roles of advocacy and education. Working collaboratively with other students, mentors, facilitators etc strengthened my sense of who I am and the gifts I bring to ministry and how I can use them as I journey with and empower others.

Tracy Fairfield, Christian Education Minister
Delta, BC

CCS prepared me extensively for team ministry and I am grateful for that.  After graduation, I moved from Ottawa to rural Saskatchewan where I worked in team ministry helping to lead pastoral ministry: preaching about twice a month, sharing children’s times as well as pastoral care, weddings, baptisms, funerals and weddings. I also discovered my inner polity geek!  I became involved in presbytery and national committees. I’ve also been studying part time to finish my MA with the University of Winnipeg.  I’ve managed to find time to meet my life partner and then relocate to be with her and her boys in Delta, BC. I am currently working in another team ministry doing Christian Education.

If you are thinking about ministry, the Leadership Development Module may be the place to explore your interest.  Or maybe you know someone with gifts for ministry.  Give them a tap on the shoulder.