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Patrick Woodbeck Podcast

Patrick Woodbeck Podcast

Last Friday, Patrick Woodbeck of Winnipeg’s Rainbow Ministry, spoke to a group as part of CCS’s regular “Mindful Munchin'” lunchtime lecture series.  His topic was the “It Gets Better” campaign and the role of the church in supporting GLBT youth (and others) who experience bullying.

The audio podcast of this presentation is now available.  Just right-click on the link below (ctrl-click if you’re on Mac without a right click button) and choose “Save target as…”  Or you can just click the link and it will play in your browser.  The podcast is a 37:52 minutes MP3 (17.3 MB).

It Gets Better: The Church’s Role

The podcast doesn’t include the comments, questions, and discussion with the audience.  The video clip that was shown as part of Patrick’s presentation can be found on the It Gets Better website.