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Mindful Munchin’: It Gets Better

Mindful Munchin’: It Gets Better

This Friday, January 21st, Patrick Woodbeck from Rainbow Ministry will be at CCS on January 21st as part of our Mindful Munchin’ series.  His topic is the “It Gets Better” campaign and what the church’s role could look like.  Bring a lunch and plan to attend from 11:45 – 1:00pm.  (Give Glenda a call at 783-4490 to let her know you’re coming, just so we know how many chairs to put out.)

If you haven’t heard of “It Gets Better”, it’s a project designed to combat the high levels of despair and suicide among LGBT youth and people who have experienced bullying based on their perceived sexuality by spreading the word that love and friendship and support and accepatance IS possible.  Check out the It Gets Better website.  (The video below is just one of the thousands of messages of hope that have been posted since the project began.)

If you can’t make this Mindful Munchin’, the next one will be on February 16th.  Our guest will be barb janes from Crescent Fort Rouge United Church and the topic will be “The Arts and Hospitality”.