Advent Candle Prayers
Here are some advent candle prayers I wrote a number of years ago. They won’t be much use for this year but maybe some other time.
Advent 1 – Hope
Luke 1: 35-38, Matthew 1:20-23, Luke 1: 46-55, Luke 1: 76-79
Advent is a time of waiting.
With anticipation, we await the coming birth.
With expectation, we await a coming fulfilment of justice and compassion.
With hope, we await the coming of Emmanuel; God with us.
Advent is a time of preparation.
With anticipation, we prepare ourselves for re-birth and renewal.
With expectation, we prepare for the promise of peace on earth.
With hope, we prepare to be God’s incarnate love for the world.
During this cold time of the year,
the daylight grows shorter.
We light this candle as a sign of hope.
The sun will return.
During this festive time of the year,
we are aware that many, in this season, are lost and lonely.
We light this candle as a sign of hope.
Despair is not the final word.
During this joyous time of the year,
we are aware that much, in our world, is broken.
We light this candle as a sign of hope.
The promise of Christmas will not be broken.
(lighting of the first Advent candle)
Advent 2 – Peace
Luke 1: 12-13, Luke 1: 76-79, Luke 1: 26-30, Luke 2: 13-14
We light this candle remembering the song of the angels.
Glory to God…
We light this candle knowing there is not peace in our world.
…and on earth peace.
We light this candle hoping some day there will be peace.
Glory to God…
We light this candle knowing in many homes there is not safety.
…and on earth peace.
We light this candle hoping for a safe space for everyone.
Glory to God…
We light this candle committing ourselves to peace-creating,
to justice-making,
and shaping a world that is filled with love.
Glory to God and on earth peace.
(lighting of the second Advent candle)
Advent 3 – Joy
Luke 1:13-14, Luke 1: 39-44, Matthew 2: 9-10, Luke 2: 8-11
With music and song,
with laughter and mirth,
with movement and dance,
Let us celebrate the source of joy,
the spirit of life who will be born in our midst.
With stillness and prayer,
with wisdom and depth,
with passion and heart,
Let us celebrate the source of joy,
the spirit of life who will be born in our midst.
With action and care,
with service and love,
with respect and grace,
Let us celebrate the source of joy,
the spirit of life who will be born in our midst.
In the midst of planning and rushing,
in the midst of shopping and feasting,
in the midst of worshipping and candle-lighting,
Let us celebrate the source of joy,
the spirit of life who will be born in our midst.
(lighting of the third Advent candle)
Advent 4 – Love
Luke 1:26-28, Matthew 1: 20-23, Matthew 2: 11, Luke 2: 15-20
In the song of the angels: Mystery.
In the awe of the shepherds: Wonder.
In the birth of the child: Grace.
We light this candle remembering the love of God.
In the voice of concern: Compassion.
In the hand of friendship: Support.
In the relationship of trust: Care.
We light this candle remembering the love incarnate in others.
In the cry of the oppressed: Liberation.
In the tears of the vulnerable: Justice.
In the rage of the violated: Peace.
We light this candle remembering the love needed in the world.
We light this candle remembering we are called to love God.
We light this candle remembering we are called to love our neighbour.
(lighting of the fourth Advent candle)
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