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Tag: theological training

Walking together – Integration Year 2019/2020

A peek at the 2019/2020 Integration Year circle, gathered in Winnipeg September 16 – 21. “In integration year, all the pieces are coming together in a supportive way that allows …

Catherine Gutjahr deep in discussion with classmates

Living in a spiral world

by Kimiko Karpoff Sometimes ministry takes us to places we don’t expect. Those places can be both literal in a geographic sense and to moments or situations that are unanticipated, …

Circles of power, pain and singing

At the Centre for Christian Studies, we try to put life at the centre of theology. This does not mean that God is not central, only that we recognize that …

Follow Me: Annual Service of Celebration 2019

At our Annual Service of Celebration graduates of the CCS Diploma in Diaconal Ministries reflected on Jesus’ call to “Follow me.” A full sanctuary of friends, family, and special guests …

She recognized curiosity in me…”

Judy Astley (UCC 1990) came to the Centre for Christian Studies as a spiritual seeker.  She says, “Katherine Edmonstone (UCC 1986), the diaconal minister at my church in Kitchener, recognized …

1979 Core group

“A better fit”: finding diaconal ministry

In 1977, Deb Hinksman was a young theology student and candidate for ordination when she met CCS principal Marion Niven at a conference. When Marion asked Deb what she planned …

Patrolling with the Bear Clan & other moments from fall learning circles

The traditional “back to school” time means that students have been gathering this fall at Woodsworth House to explore, challenge and be challenged, laugh and cry and wonder together.

Community, Grief, and Learning: walking together to remember Brody

Community, Grief, and Learning: An Interview with Brenda Curtis and Keith Hall On April 6, 2018, the bus of the Humbolt Broncos hockey team collided with a semi truck. Sixteen …

A circle of Right Relations

The Right Relations learning circle gathered from April 19 – 25.  CCS students were joined by students from the Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, six continuing studies students (both lay and …

Prayers for the children

Richard Manley Tanis is the Minister of Evangelism, Mission & Church Development at the Winnipeg Presbytery, the incoming principal at St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon and a graduate of CCS. …

Faith and generosity – Why I give to CCS

Don Evans is a student and the executive director of Our Place in Victoria. Here he talks about why he donates to CCS.

Risking relationship – Graduating class of 2018

In the Presence of the Creator of the world, eternal God, We come from many places for a little while. With the Redeemer of humanity, God with us, We come …

The week of EVERYTHING!

A week in pictures. This has been the week of everything at the Centre for Christian Studies. Integration Year students gathered at Woodsworth House on Monday, April 9, for their …

Congratulate our 2018 Grads and Companion

On April 14 and 15, we will be celebrating this year’s graduating class and Companion of the Centre! The Celebration Banquet will be on Saturday, April 14 at St. George’s …