Triple Your Gift! Matching Gift Campaign.Your gift will go 3 times as far and help a student attend Learning on Purpose online.DONATE


Imagine Church Differently.

Competency Based Theological Education

In early November Michelle Owens presented at the Competency Based Theological Education Conference.

Spiralling with Sandy-Saulteaux

CCS staff shared the Action-Reflection Spiral with students in Sandy-Saulteaux’s Educational Methods learning circle.

Word of Hope, Example of Ingenuity

We are about two thirds of the way through Ministering by Word and Example and so far everyone is engaged, eager, and enthusiastic about learning together.

VIDEO – CCS Friday: Queer Biblical Interpretation

Ways of reading the Bible that acknowledge the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities

Take Us To Church

Nov. 1 is CCS Sunday. Please celebrate diaconal education.

Images from Eco-Justice 2020

We have just wrapped up the social justice learning circle on Eco-Justice. CCS students from Prince George, British Columbia to Quispamsis, New Brunswick (and various places in between) are gathering …

Images from Ministry as Listening 2020

The spiritual care learning circle on Ministry as Listening took place Sept 30 to Oct 7, 2020

Plagues and Protest

Plagues call for discernment about that which we hold most sacred.

VIDEO – CCS Friday: Imagine Church Differently

What does church mean when we can’t gather?

Maybe “Deaconing” is Right for Me

Margaret Friesen reflects on her experience in Ministering by Word and Example.

IY 2020 Off to a Great (online) Start

Diaconal students in their final year had their fall learning circle last week.

The Return of CCS Fridays

Join us for monthly conversations about things that matter.

Pandemic Wedding

CCS student Rachel got married earlier this month. It was a covid affair.

Guaranteed Livable Income

Today we lit candles and said a prayer in support of the idea of a #guaranteedlivableincome


It’s not a replacement for Learning on Purpose, but hopefully these workshops provide a tantalizing taste.