Category: News

Plagues and Protest

Plagues call for discernment about that which we hold most sacred.

VIDEO – CCS Friday: Imagine Church Differently

What does church mean when we can’t gather?

Maybe “Deaconing” is Right for Me

Margaret Friesen reflects on her experience in Ministering by Word and Example.

IY 2020 Off to a Great (online) Start

Diaconal students in their final year had their fall learning circle last week.

The Return of CCS Fridays

Join us for monthly conversations about things that matter.

Pandemic Wedding

CCS student Rachel got married earlier this month. It was a covid affair.

Guaranteed Livable Income

Today we lit candles and said a prayer in support of the idea of a #guaranteedlivableincome


It’s not a replacement for Learning on Purpose, but hopefully these workshops provide a tantalizing taste.

Con Ed in 20/21

Looking for opportunities to deepen your understanding, sharpen your skills, or just connect in meaningful conversation about things that matter? Maybe Continuing Studies at the Centre for Christian Studies is …

David on Parental Leave

CCS Program Staff member David Lappano will be on parental leave from the end of August until the new year. His student and committee responsibilities have been divvied up among …

Turning on the Charm

Have you visited our Facebook page lately? You should. Go check it out now. We’ll be here when you get back… Hey, welcome back! If you’ve been following the Centre …

Rendez-vous 2020

Rendez-vous, the United Church’s national youth and young adult conference, was held earlier this month, August 10-14. Originally planned as an in-person gathering to be held in Calgary, when the …

Coming This Fall – Word & Example

Mark your calendars. The Centre for Christian Studies will be offering “Ministering by Word & Example” online this fall from October 31 to December 7, 2020 (Mondays and Saturdays). “Word …

Images from Relationships 2020

The final learning circle of the 2019-2020 CCS school year ended last week. Relationships was an online spiritual care circle focused on ministry skills to understand and support people in …

Normal Was Not Actually Great

Daniel Hayward shares his perspective on church and COVID-19 through a disability lens.