Lori is Retiring from CCS
Lori Stewart (seen on the left in the picture above with program staff member Marcie Gibson) will be retiring from her role as Development Coordinator at the Centre for Christian Studies this summer. Lori has been serving CCS in this capacity for ten years, starting in 2013. In that time you’ve probably received letters and emails from Lori encouraging you to support the transformative work of the Centre or thanking you for your generosity.
As a graduate of CCS (1987), Lori has deep connections to the diaconal community. Making connections is a key part of Lori’s development work, and one of the gifts she brings to the role. Besides designing yearly fundraising campaigns, creating regular Tapestry newsletters for donors, and applying for grants, Lori has been one of the driving organizers behind CCS Fridays, our monthly online webinar/discussions which expands the CCS community by inviting interesting and interested people to come together for meaningful conversations and learning.
Lori didn’t have a lot of experience in development and fundraising when she started, but she learned quickly and has continued to learn the whole time, taking advantage of webinars and courses on the latest trends to develop her skills.
“I think it was the mystery of God that brought me to CCS in 2013.” says Lori, “because after graduation from CCS in 1987 I had no idea I would return to work here. Perhaps I learned a few things over the years that prepared me to step into the role of Development Coordinator. I certainly learned a lot on the job (sometimes from mistakes and failure and often from donors and colleagues). All I know, is that I value the CCS community, including students, staff, alumni, supporters, and the work CCS does even more deeply now. I will continue to be an advocate and cheerleader!”
A committee has been put in place to start looking for a new Development Coordinator. Watch the CCS website in the weeks and months to come for more information, and think about whether you know someone with the skills to carry on this important work.
Comments: 1
I was a student in my 3rd or 4th year at CCS when Lori started there as Development Coordinator. I remember well how open she was about not having any formal training in it – AND her drive to be(come) good at it regardless. From my perspective she did. She didn’t become just good, she excelled.
Her newsletters, requests for financial support and invitations to new events were always so well done, I just had to read them from start to end. Having a communication background myself, I began to notice the difference in quality between her work and the missives I received from other not-for-profits, and I was even more impressed.
Many retirement blessings on this big transition, Lori. Yes, CCS will miss you, your mindset & your skill set, but you provided them with a good template to continue what you began there. Time for something else.
(BTW, I’ll be retiring myself as of the end of this month. Great minds… um… retire at the same time?
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