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What’s Your Perspective?

What’s Your Perspective?

The work of developing a new strategic plan for CCS, under the guidance of consultant Julie Ng-Leung, continues. Julie has been talking to CCS staff and members of Central Council to get their view on who CCS is and where it could be going, as well as doing research into the “market” of theological education, ministry formation, theology and church.

The next step of the strategic planning process will be to consult with stakeholders in the broader CCS community – students, alumni, volunteers, donors, friends of CCS. Some of you will be receiving an invitation in the next few weeks to complete a survey asking for your perspective relating to the Christian community and CCS. If you receive an invitation, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and hopes with us. As members of the CCS community, your perspective is crucial.

(If you want to make sure that you’re on the list of people who get an invitation, please email )