Who Is Asian? An Online Panel Discussion
Asian Heritage Month is a time to celebrate Asian communities. Recently CCS Principal Alan Lai was in conversation with friends from diverse cultural heritages rooted in a geographical area called Asia, and they wondered, “Who is Asian? Why are we called Asian? Do we see ourselves as Asians? Who gave us this nomenclature?”
On Wednesday, May 17 the Centre for Christian Studies hosted an online panel discussion with several members from the United Church of Canada community reflecting on the question: “Are you Asian?” This discussion shed light on the lingering power of colonization and implications for intercultural ministry.
- Rev. Dr. Alan Lai, Principal, Centre for Christian Studies
- Dr. Emo Yango, Church in Mission Unit, General Church Office, United Church of Canada
- Sandy Hwang, Seminarian, Vancouver School of Theology
- Hyerim Park, Diaconal Ministry student, Centre for Christian Studies.

Comments: 1
Thank you Alan, Emo, Sandy and Hyerim for sharing your perspectives about being “Asian” and living in Canada, while still identifying as being from Hong Kong, the Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea! You’ve given me lots to think about as I contemplate the gifts of people from Asian countries working in the United Church
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