Images from Living Scripture 2021
Diaconal Ministry and Continuing Studies students spent a week exploring scripture. CCS’s Janet Ross, David Lappano, and Scott Douglas led participants into discussions of hermeneutics and interpretation, the connection between text and community, the significance of metaphor in understanding the Bible, the ways in which scripture has been used (abused) to oppress and the ways in which it liberates, and the diversity of images of the Divine scripture has to offer. Special guest Linnea Good led an inspiring workshop on Biblical Storytelling. Students planned and led a session on the intersections between scripture and popular culture. And students experienced a number of different approaches to Bible study. We reflected on what makes scripture alive and what does it mean to live in relationship with scripture.

The Living Scripture learning circle included a number of Continuing Studies participants who brought a wealth of experience to the conversation. Deaconess Debra Lennox, co-director of Education and Formation for the Lutheran Diaconal Association in the United States, was a participant in the circle to experience CCS’s approach to diaconal formation. Bob Gibson accompanied the circle as chaplain, offering a supportive presence and practical insights from a life in ministry.
Linnea Good’s session on Biblical Storytelling was a highlight for many of the participants.
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What a gift to be with you for biblical telling! Thanks for inviting me into the circle, friends.
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