The Return of CCS Fridays
Some you may remember a few years ago when CCS hosted lunchtime gatherings to discuss and learn about meaningful topics for people of faith. (We called them “Second Fridays” because they were on the second Friday of the month.)

In this era of pandemic and disruption we’re bringing back the Friday gatherings and taking them online.
Starting on October 9th we will be hosting conversations to help us all to respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts. These workshops are open to anyone who might be interested.
Each session will be on a Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 CT and in the form of a Zoom workshop. There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups.
Sessions are free but you must register. Visit the page for the event you’re interested in and find the “register” link.
The sessions:
October 9: Imagine Church Differently: What is church when we can’t gather? An exploration of ecclesiology and the implications of what we believe about church, with guest, Noel Suministrado
November 6: Queer Biblical Interpretation: seeing Scripture with new eyes.
December 4: Apocalyptic Christmas: A theological exploration of what the apocalypse might have to do with Christmas in a pandemic.
Tentative 2021 dates: January 8, February 12, and March 12.
photo credit: https://writix.co.uk/
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