Program Redesign
For the past year-and-a-half nearly 40 volunteers across the country have been meeting by phone or in person in small task groups to look deeply at various aspects of the Centre for Christian Studies’ educational programming. The Program Review was endorsed by CCS’s Central Council, and the process for reviewing our curriculum – in light of the current social and global context, the needs of the church, the implications of communication technology, and the desire to make our programs more accessible to potential students – was designed in large part by Ann Naylor. Over the past year, the Program Review Coordinating Team – Marcie Gibson, Linda Ervin, and Lori Stewart – have shepherded the process along.
In February, the Coordinating Team, the members of the Integrated Program Working Group, and the CCS staff came together for a Program Review face-to-face to look at the reports from the various research, reflection, and working groups.
Last week, they came together again to see if, based on the recommendations and suggestions of the groups, they could hash out a new structure and shape for CCS’s programs.
It was a successful meeting, full of creative new ideas, sacred cows to be put out to pasture, non-negotiables to be nurtured and protected, and a spirit of commitment to meaningful, relevant, transformative theological education.
The scheme that arose from last week’s face-to-face will be tested with students and the Program Committee before being taken to the Central Council for approval. If things fall into place it’s possible that elements of the new program redesign will start rolling out in the fall.
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