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Persevering Through the Mud

Persevering Through the Mud

At the CCS Annual Meeting in February, Dave Robinson spoke about a photograph of his great-aunt Edythe he’d recently uncovered.  Edythe Moore was a missionary from Toronto, and the picture was from 1926 when she was serving with the Sunday School caravan in the Diocese of Qu’Appelle in Saskatchewan.

Edythe Moore and St. Kentigern, 1926

Edythe Moore and St. Kentigern, 1926

Edythe, along with her partner Annie Ripley, used this van in their work.  The name of their van was St. Kentigern.  (Kentigern, also known as St. Mungo, is the patron saint of Glasgow, of salmon, and of those who are bullied.  I’m not sure how that relates; just thought I’d mention it.)  Edythe and Annie slept on cots in the van and cooked meals there as well.

Because roads were impassible much of the year, they did most of their work in three months during the summer.  Records indicated that in 1926 Edythe and Annie:

  • traveled 2,603 miles by caravan
  • were given rides in other vehicles for 389 miles
  • walked 8 miles
  • connected with 340 New members for Sunday School by post
  • visited 20 old members of SSBP
  • visited 250 homes
  • gave Bible lessons at 10 Day Schools
  • took 6 Services
  • made 20 addresses given to adults
  • found 80 children for Baptism and sent their names to clergy

In the example of his great-aunt, Dave saw the same kind of commitment, dedication, and perseverance that characterized the women (and men) who formed CCS.  There is work to be done.