2014 Annual Report
In advance of next week’s Annual General Meeting, here is the CCS annual report for 2014. (Depending on how your computer deals with PDF files, you’ll probably be able to click on a page number in the table of contents to jump directly to a section.)
The AGM will be on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 6:00 pm CST. Friends of CCS are invited to participate, either in person or by conference call. (Contact Terry at office@ccsonline.ca or 204-783-4490 to get the conference call number and code.)
- Folks in Winnipeg are invited to come early (5pm) for a potluck meal before the meeting.
- If you are in the Toronto area, you are invited to join others at the Diocesan Centre, 135 Adelaide East (at 6:30 Toronto time for the 7pm meeting). Go to the side door and ring the bell. (The office is wheelchair accessible.)
- There will be a gathering at the home of Dorothy Naylor and Garth Mundle in Ottawa to phone in.
- If you are hosting a gathering elsewhere, please let us know.
AGENDA for the Annual Meeting
(The Agenda is also found on page 41 of the Annual Report)
1. Opening (Carolynne chairing)
1.1 Welcome, Attendance
1.2 Worship – Barbara Lloyd
1.3 Acceptance of Friends
1.4 Three Stories of CCS Impact in Ministry
1.5 Agenda Review
1.6 Approval of Minutes of AGM Feb. 20, 2014
1.7 Business Arising from Minutes
Francophone programming concerns – Maylanne, Kimiko
2. Reports
2.1 Business from Annual Report
Sharing of Highlights
Co-Chairs, Principal, Staff, Students
2.2 Committee Reports Received for Information
2.3 Financial Report – Ken Phernambucq
2.4 Nominations Report – Maureen McCartney
3. Effects of UCC Restructuring on CCS
4. Future of CCS – Building Bridges to the Future
– Third Program staff person
– New Endowment campaign
– Alternative funding strategies
– New student recruitment
– Succession planning
5. New Business
6. Thank you
7. In Memoriam
6. Closing Prayer & Adjournment
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