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Pastoral Care fall learning circle

Pastoral Care fall learning circle

The students in the Pastoral Care Year are meeting this month in Winnipeg for their Fall Learning Circle. They’ll be exploring listening skills, boundaries, self-esteem and sexuality, and a bunch of stuff about being present for people going through grief. Next week they’ll be joined by seven more students who are coming for the “Loss & Lamentation” theme week. Wish them all well.

The 2014-2015 CCS Pastoral Care Year Students

The 2014-2015 CCS Pastoral Care Year Students

Comments: 4

  1. Hubert Den Draak says:

    Wow – that’s a LOT of pastoral care all in the same room! Good to see some familiar faces back, great to see the new ones. Have an excellent Learning Circle folks!

  2. Mary Elizabeth Piercy says:

    Very excited about this learning circle. My friend from Collingwood is one of the folks joining for the ‘Loss and Lamentations’ unit an it has been fun to get excited about the readings with her and tell her a bit about the Centre and what I loved in the program. Blessings to all in the Circle.
    Mary Elizabeth

  3. Tammy Allan says:

    It’s so great to see so many gathered for learning together! May you have a blessed journey this month!
    Tammy Allan

  4. Helen Reed says:

    How wonderful to have so many people to explore and learn together. Wish I was there. So glad you are 🙂

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