Ted Dodd goes on Sabbatical
Ted will be on sabbatical in May, June, and July. Have a great time of relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation, Ted! Here’s what he has to say about his plans:
At the spring Social Ministry Year learning circle one of the topics we touched on was the concept of Sabbath Jubilee in terms of economics and global debt. The biblical notion of Sabbath also heralds a life of balance between labour and rest. I give thanks for the CCS sabbatical leave policy that allows for occasions for extended study and spirit recovery. As the staff here we regularly go full out, so the recognition of the need for space to renew and retool is most appreciated.
My three month plan, (May, June and July), involves a mix of travel and home time, creativity and study, ecumenical connections and diaconal community. Immediately following the Social Ministry Year spring learning circle, I depart for Nova Scotia for the national biennial gathering of the Diakonia of The United Church of Canada (DUCC). After the meeting, I proceed to Cambridge, Massachusetts for a time of retreat with the Episcopalian brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist. A subsequent weekend in New York City will nurture my love of art and theatre. Then, travelling by train, I head to Chicago for more art and a chance to connect with the Lutheran communities centered near there.
Later in June, I travel to Europe visiting the cities of Brussels, Amsterdam, Vienna and Prague, taking in more art and history. July 1-8, I will represent DUCC at the meeting of World Diakonia. Following the convention, a post-tour of Western Germany will take me to many diaconal sites of historic interest.
While not on the road, I will be at home encouraging my creative expression through writing and art projects. Another focus will provide me with the long awaited prospect of reading the stacks of diaconal material I have been collecting over the last number of years. If I get really ambitious I might even collect and edit some of the diaconal curriculum materials we use at CCS in some ordered compilation.
I wish to extend a word of gratitude to my colleagues for covering in my absence, to the students for their flexibility during this time, and to the CCS organization for supporting this time for its employees.
Comments: 2
It looks like there’s a wonderful and wonder-filled three months ahead of you, Ted. So good to see you integrate art into it, both to experience it and to participate in it. The arts can be incredibly therapeutic, healing and energizing, something we too often and too easily forget.
Safe travels, looking forward to hear your stories!
happy travels ted!
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