3 Companions, 3 Events
The Centre for Christian Studies honours 3 significant women this year. The “Companion of the Centre” award is presented annually to individuals whose life and ministry epitomize the values of CCS – sprit-filled engagement with the world, transformational and empowering service, and commitment to justice, wholeness, and compassion. In 2013 the Companions of the Centre will be recognized in three separate events:
Marion Logan
Sunday, March 17, 3:30 p.m.
Wesley United Church 6 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Ontario
Please let Ted Dodd know if you are able to attend: tdodd@ccsonline.ca
Event info (including link to map)
[UPDATE: Link to Marion’s event]
Miriam Therese Winter
Saturday, April 13, 5:30 p.m. (CCS grad banquet)
St. George’s (Crescentwood) Anglican Church, 168 Wilton St, Winnipeg, Manitoba
(Banquet tickets ($40.00) available through Liz Bachmann lbachmann@ccsonline.ca )
Sunday, April 14, 2 p.m. (CCS Annual Service of Celebration)
Thomson’s Funeral Home, 669 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba
[UPDATE: Link to Miriam’s event]
Jessie MacLeod
Thursday, May 2, 7 p.m. (DUCC conference)
Tatamagouche Centre, 259 Loop Route 6, Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia
Please let Ted Dodd know if you are able to attend: tdodd@ccsonline.ca
Event info (including link to map)
{UPDATE: Link to Jessie’s event]
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