Litany from Educational Ministry Year Learning Circle

Litany from Educational Ministry Year Learning Circle

Litany for Christian Education
Friday morning, Week One
Introduction to Educational Ministry
Fiery, cloudy pillar, you guide our lives.
As learners and leaders,
may we remember our story of community and liberation.
God of the prophets, you demand of us justice.
As teachers and ministers,
may we embody our call and covenant.
Holy Wisdom, you centre us in wholeness.
As educators and students,
may we discern our direction and purpose.
Christ of the parables, you teach with conviction and insight,
As people of passion and perspective,
may we learn and grow.
Spirit of holiness, you direct us toward compassion and wholeness.
As church and community,
may we embody and inspire faith.
Divine future, you sustain us with vision and promise,
as the people of today and tomorrow,
may we honour our roots and soar with our wings.
O God, we give thanks for the opportunities to learn and grow.
We are grateful that Christian Education has taken place for us:
in so many settings, so many venues, with so many varied peoples,
with mind and heart,
with body and soul,
in groups and alone,
in mass audiences and one on one,
in studies and discussion,
on retreat and on the streets,
in youth groups,
in church school,
in bible study,
with panels, videos, and guest speakers,
at camp and at home,
on service projects and work experiences,
in field placements and global tours,
in class rooms and libraries,
with toddlers and teens, with seniors and middle-agers,
with women and men, using curriculum and resources, journals and text books,
in crisis and calm, in quiet gentleness, in animated extroversion,
in prayer and in song, in drama and dance, with computers and crafts,
in research and scholarship, in experience and emotions, in structured process and in spontaneous insight.
Fiery, cloudy pillar, you guide our lives.
As learners and leaders,
may we remember our story of community and liberation.
God of the prophets, you demand of us justice.
As teachers and ministers,
may we embody our call and covenant.
Holy Wisdom, you centre us in wholeness.
As educators and students,
may we discern our direction and purpose.
Christ of the parables, you teach with conviction and insight,
As people of passion and perspective,
may we learn and grow.
Spirit of holiness, you direct us toward compassion and wholeness.
As church and community,
may we embody and inspire faith.
Divine future, you sustain us with vision and promise,
as the people of today and tomorrow,
may we honour our roots and soar with our wings.