October 16-22, 2024

a social justice theme learning circle on environmental concerns, climate change, water and food security, population displacement, and the theology of creation.

Oct 24-30, 2024

an education and worship learning circle focusing on questions of who we are and how we are formed in relation to each other, intercultural ministry and understanding, interfaith and ecumenical connections, and intersectionality.

Jan 7 to Feb 13, 2025, Tuesdays and Thursdays

A social justice theme learning circle healthy community, issues of safety and comfort, advocacy, congregational systems, and theology of the reign of God.

March 26-April 1, 2025
An education and worship theme learning circle on liturgy planning and worship leadership, sacraments, and special services.

April 3-9, 2025

a theme learning circle on pastoral support to the dying and those they leave behind, end of life issues, funerals, and questions of afterlife.

May 7-14, 2024 (online intensive)

a spiritual care learning circle on ministry of presence, pastoral visiting, prayer, counseling and spiritual direction, pastoral ethics and boundaries.