Learning on Purpose: Changing Leadership for a Changing World is an intensive two-week course for people who want to develop their leadership skills and make connections between their faith, passions, and sense of purpose and their actions in the world.  Participants will explore models of leadership and approaches to theology, education, pastoral care, and social justice that empower and create change.

The Praxis component is the ongoing learning community for all active CCS diaconal ministry students.  It's about connecting, reflecting, mentoring, and integrating.

Practical ministry experience and learning

In the final year of their diploma program, diaconal students take an integrating year to pull together all they've learned and prepare for a life of leadership in the church and the world.

(Integration Circles 1, 2, and 3 are taken in the same school year.)

Integration 1: Sept 16-21, 2019
Integration 2: online between October and March
Integration 3: April 20-26, 2020

Oct 16-22, 2019

An Education and Worship learning circle on story, preaching, scripture as narrative, and the arts in worship and education

Oct 24-30, 2019

A Spiritual Care learning circle on the history and diversity of Christian spiritual practices, private devotion and communal spirituality, discipleship, companioning.

Jan 14 -Feb 20 2020

(Video conferences on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am - 2pm Central)

An online Social Justice circle on social analysis, social location, individual and systemic power, and the role of the prophet.

May-June 2020

An online Spiritual Care learning circle on intimate and familial relationships, sexuality and gender, family systems, weddings, covenants, relationship break-ups, and the role of minister as support.

Apr 23-29, 2020

An Education and Worship learning circle on ministry with various age groups, development theory, curriculum, youth ministry, children’s ministry, adult education, ministry with seniors, and intergenerational ministry.

Apr 15-21, 2020

A Social Justice learning circle on systems of oppressions (racism, sexism, heterosexism, colonialism, etc.), models of change, and theologies of resistance (liberation theology, feminist theology, queer theology, etc.)